Work with Love

Technical and Soft Solutions

Technical Solutions

Metropolitan Planning

(esc: 1:50.000). Based in Metropolitan Discipline, we design or endorse the city strategy to improve competences and articulation to optimize/balance their components (physical, economic, social and government) for sustainable development.

Urban and Mobility Planning

(esc: 1:5.000). Bringing strategy vision to tactical skills. Preparation of plans, programs, analyses, and resources for effective implementation.

Urban Design / Architecture

(esc: 1:500). Make it real. Comprehensive technical, urban and architectural solutions to offer functionally, beautify the city and make it attractive, equal and inclusive for all.

Financing, Evaluation and Monitoring

We help cities to obtain financing sources through the projects’ application in multilateral banking or developing financial tools to generate business models of public private association. We help to create indicators and metrics to track project performance and create value for implementation and scenario assessment.

Soft Solutions

Public Policy

 Merging local resources knowledge and international competitiveness understanding to provide effective approaches to balance sustainable development and communities integrating land use and mobility policies.


Motivational talks. Build the audience up, on the importance of creating cities and communities and to add value. How to create value and get stakeholders into action today. A great way to kick-off or close your conference or event.


We organize tailor-made  workshops to get into motion diversity, innovation, mind-change  to create tactical urbanism, transport-oriented development or any other city tools for transformation.

Exploring Experiences

Sharing knowledge and collaborative experiences between cities. Pedaling, walking, shifting, waiting, planning, controlling, implementing. We organize experiencing tours to interesting study cases. Virtual, Interactive, on-site.